Canola (Rapeseed) Harvesting Attachment
In manufacturing of the Canola Harvesting Attachment, Metalagro AD has applied a combination of two structural components: a specially shaped bottom table plus a set of a cutting device with a drive, specially designed for harvesting canola and produced by a reputable international supplier. This is a unique solution for cutting crop losses.

Technical features:
This successful combination contributes to:
- Careful cutting of the canola stem;
- Facilitated conveying of the harvested canola flow to the header’s auger;
- Secure keeping of the harvested plants thanks to the specially shaped bottom table until their intake in the combine harvester;
- Ruling out of any possibility whatsoever of creating a contraflow and as a consequence – reversal and dropping of the canola crop off of the attachment and onto the field.
This solution increases the price of the attachment and reduced the producer’s profit, but we apply it without any hesitation because we are confident that:
1. The success in reducing losses during canola harvest would be impossible without a cutting device developed specifically for cutting canola stems. It goes without saying that canola is not wheat and the canola stem is very different from straw. This is why the result from working with a specialised cutting device is always going to be better than working with a cutting device designed to harvest wheat but used for canola as a compromise. This is valid for all combined headers designed to harvest both types of crops, as well as for all the attachments in which a wheat harvesting knife blade and fingers are being used.
2. A flat bottom table does not render good results. It is impossible to complete canola harvest with minimum losses without the special design of the a fitted bottom table. Its significance for cutting crop loss is a follows: when the flow of harvested plants is interrupted (which could be due to uneven terrain, tilting of the combine harvester sideways or forward, reducing the speed or entering a section of lodged canola crop or one mixed with grassy weed) nothing else but the special profile bottom table can keep the harvested plants and the seeds fallen off them, on the attachment. Without the special table shape, part of the harvested canola will spill out in the field.
In order to meet all the requirements, the canola attachment is offered:
- For all makes and models of combine harvesters;
- For all possible grain harvest headers;
- For any width, without restriction;
- At the best possible price.
One-of-a-kind offer in the market:
- Attachments wider than 3.5 m, with no limits to the top margin;
- 12-hour service during the harvesting season;
- Free mounting onto the grain header by the manufacturer’s service.